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Our GumGuard® Putty Pack Reline Set is the perfect solution for remolding your GumGuard®PM and GumGuard®Pro. Each pack contains 16 grams of our specialized ReLine Putty, which is enough for 2-3 relines or fittings. With this easy-to-use product, you can achieve a custom fit for your GumGuard® in about 5-6 minutes.

Our versatile Putty can also be used to reline dentures! With its specialized formula, our Putty is perfect for creating a custom fit for dentures, ensuring maximum comfort and stability.  So why settle for ill-fitting dentures when you can achieve a comfortable and secure fit with our Putty? Give it a try and experience the difference!

Achieve fast and easy results by mixing the Pink & White Putty to activate its self-curing and setting process.

Step 1A. Don’t overthink this, it’s as easy as a simple art & crafts project. We’ve extended the mixing & working time of our putty formula from 5 to 6/1/2 minutes. Please view our how to videos  for tips and guidance.
Set a timer for 6 1/2 minutes.The timer starts when you begin mixing.
Step 1.  [ 1:00 – 2:30  minutes
– Mix the Pink & White Putty into. a uniform pink gum color to activate
– Roll the mixed putty up into a tube; and press, place, and shape it into the floor of the GumGuard® or Denture.

Step 2. [ 3:00 – 6:30 minutes
– Place the GumGuard® or denture over your gums and align with opposing arch, bite down until you find you natural resting bite.
– Relax and hold the natural position in place, the putty will form the shape of your gums. The impression of your gums will be set during this step, when the 6 1/2 minute timer goes off you can remove the GumGuard® or denture.  (Total mix and fit time  6:30  minutes )

GumGuard® Pink Putty Pack Reline Set - 2 Pack

  • Ingredients

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